Saturday, May 21, 2011


Molly is moving on to a Pre-K classroom at the same school next year.  She will be having the same teacher Ava had last year.  The teachers have said that she could do Kindergarten next year but we decided to wait one more year just like we did with Ava.  We would prefer her being the oldest in the class and not the youngest.   From my teaching experience, it was always obvious to be who the young ones of the class were!  And besides all that, we LOVE the preschool!
Thursday was her last day of school.  The teachers put on a little ceremony where they got to read a little story about what they wanted to be when they grew up.  It was the cutest thing ever!!  Each kid was called up in front of all the parents while the teacher's read.  Then they sang some end of the year songs!  After that in there was more celebrating in the classroom with cake and punch.  That was Rachel's favorite part.

1 comment:

Marie said...

how cute is that!?!?! Congratulations Molly!! PreK will be so fun!