Sunday, September 2, 2012

Finally....lost a big one!

Ava is way behind for losing teeth.  I blame it on being almost a year before she cut her first baby tooth.  She has been obessed with losing her top teeth.  She came home  from school lots of days telling me how so and so lost his or her top tooth.  For a while she was really into books about kids loosing teeth.  And the thing that got to me the most, her finger was constantly in her month checking to see if it was loose!  GROSS!  GERM CITY.  So, it finally came out.  She wrote a note to the tooth fairy requesting a picture of her.  And the tooth fairy left money and a picture of herself.  Ava was so excited! 

A big hole for a tiny tooth.  Hopefully we will have plenty of room for the adult tooth!!

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