Monday, July 30, 2012

July birthdays and a Big anniversary

Since I am so far behind in posting, today I am playing catchup by combining a few posts!

 Mike and I celebrated a milestone this year....the big 10! I couldn't be happier! We have grown and changed so much! A lot of things have changed but only made us stronger! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband and friend! We enjoyed a wonderful sushi date night.
My birthday came and went. Mike and the girls made it special for me but I didn't take any pictures. Fine by me! Birthdays are getting harder and harder to celebrate! As usual, Mike spoiled me with gifts I didn't know I needed and now I can't live without! We had a great date night with Ethiopian food. Quite the experience and my new favorite kind of exotic food.

The highlight of the month however is always our oldest princess' birthday. She wouldn't have it any other way! Eight years old is a big milestone as well and we celebrated all week.  At the beginning of the week, she celebrated at Jump Street with her friends.  So many things to do and jump on.  A GREAT place to have a party.

And then on her actual birthday, we spent the morning at the American Girl store.  We now have a new family member.... McKenna.  I LOVE that store.  Almost as much as my girls!

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