Monday, October 31, 2011

The Best Halloween EVER!!

I love the fact that my kids are getting older and really enjoy Trick or Treating.  Mike and I anticipated our evening being the same as it was last year.  We go to the houses on our cul-de-sac and then the girls are ready to come home and give out candy.  Not this year!  The girls were unstoppable!  Miss Social Ava had a lot of houses throughout the neighborhood that she had to go to!  Not sure why since all her friends were out trick or treating! Rachel enjoyed every piece of candy.  And didn't understand that she was lagging behind.  The older girls were so patient and waited with their fingers on the doorbell until Rachel made it to the porch. We stayed out until 8:30 this year.  The latest ever!  The girls got so much candy!  And we weren't home to give out any of our candy so we will be eating candy for quite a while I am afraid.  I got a couple of pictures but forgot my camera because again, I didn't expect the night to go as it did!

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