Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cold Days

We have had record cold temperatures this week. That's why we were off school. -30 with the wind chill. I guess the buses wouldn't run so all of the Denver area schools were closed. One day is fun but two? Going a little crazy! When do I get my snow day? I am realizing that it is easier to have them in school. All the running gets me out of the house at least! And now I realize that the school district didn't account of snow days in the planning so we have to make up these days! We are now going to be in school until June! Now that I write this, I realized that I was just complaining about having two days off, why am I complaining about having school two more days into the summer. How am I going to survive the summer? So we really haven't done much these past two days... stayed in our jammies, watched a LOT of movies, and had hot chocolate. The girls did do some Valentine crafts today and so I got out my camera. Can't wait for school tomorrow!

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