Since today was such a beautiful day, I decided to take the girls to the park. So, I picked Ava up from school, we ate lunch and headed to Redstone, the girls' favorite park. We spent a lot of time there this summer so, we have the same routine every time we go. First we head directly to the water to look for "Coco". At the beginning of the summer we saw a turtle on a stump in the middle of the pond and Molly named him. So, we have to go and find him first before we can play. The funny thing is that we have only seen him once! After we walk around the water, then it's time to play on the equipment. Today, I brought some stale crackers to feed to the ducks. As we walked up to the ducks, they all got up and started quacking and running towards us. Honestly, I was a bit scared. I wasn't sure why they were running at us. Were we invading their space? Did they have nests? The girls thought this was hilarious.
So, I opened up the bag of crackers as quickly has I could. I don't know people have stopped feeding the ducks since it has gotten cooler or what. But, these ducks were the hungriest ducks I have ever seen. The girls and I couldn't feed them fast enough. They were fighting over the crackers and quacking loudly. They even went through the plastic bag looking for more when the crackers were gone. The ducks finally got the hint when the girls chased them into the water.
Then we got to play. It was great being at the park when it wasn't crowded and wasn't so hot either. I love the fall and am going to miss these days when winter comes!
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