Yesterday we took Molly to the doctor for her check up. She now hates to go to the doctor. When we were getting dressed to go she said "Stay home! No doctor!" She was fine in the room until the nurse came in. She screamed when she had to get measured and weighed. Then she wouldn't let the doctor touch her. Ava tried to convince her that everything was okay but that didn't matter! She got two shots and she screamed at the top of her lungs! Thankfully she is done with shots until she is 4! The best news of the visit is that her two year molars are in! Thank goodness. Maybe that can account for the crankiness for the past couple of weeks?? Or is that just because she's 2???
I guess the nickname Molly Mouse still fits. She is still as tiny as a mouse. She weighs 24lbs 15oz which is in the 25th percentile and is 32 3/4 inches tall (also 25th!) So little but I love it! I hope she stay petite her whole life!!
Are you battling the 2 yr tantrums like I am? For the most part, Owen is so good. But every once and awhile, he can throw an impressive yesterday when I picked him up from daycare. When all the parents were watching...oh how fun it is to be Mommy sometimes :) Molly is adorable...I love her hat!!
OMG - my 9 month old weighs more than your two year old!!!!! :-)
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