I let each girl take a picture of her favorite animal and they begged me to post them on the blog!
Tuesday we went to see the Lorax. What a cute movie. I think I enjoyed it as much as the kids did.
Later in the afternoon, Ava had a playdate with her friend Emma.
On Wednesday, we had another outside day and went to the Littleton Historical Museum. I hadn't been there since Ava was little. Fun learning on the people lived in the olden days. The girls really learned a lot. The highlight was the baby sheep born just a few days before. So cute!!
Thursday, we laid "low" and stayed home ALL DAY! Molly and Ava both had a playdate in the morning/early afternoon. I learned that with my girls three is a crowd so it's just easier for both of them to have someone over. They played wonderfully and I got some stuff done around the house! Yeah for me!
Friday, another beautiful day, we played outside ALL day long! Went for a bike ride, rode scooters and trikes. And did some yard work. The best part, was that Mike and I got a date night and we went to see The Hunger Games! A great end to a great week!!
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