Ava is preparing herself for kindergarten. She is ready, Mom is not! I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast. Between her teacher and me, she is getting her mind prepared. School is on her mind a lot. She is always asking questions about her new school. Will they have toys there? Will we have recess? Do I get to eat lunch there everyday? The wheels are turning in her head. She is so close to reading and knows a lot of words. She has taken on a new hobby of reading to Rachel and Molly. I love it! I am starting the preparation process now so that it will be easier (FOR ME) in the fall! I have to keep telling myself that it is ok and that kids do grow up. I know that I will lose it when I drop her off at school on the first day.
Molly is becoming quite the independent little girl. The 3's are definetly harder than the twos. The attitude is there most days. But, underneath that attitude is the sweetest, most compassionate 3 year old I have ever met. She has a heart of gold and not a day goes by where she doesn't hug me and tell me how much she loves me or her family. It's sometimes very hard to remember what's underneath in the heat of the moment. For a while now, Molly's naps have been hit or miss. Mostly miss. So, it has been over a week now since she has not slept. I have to accept the fact that she is done with naps. Very hard thing to accept. This is shocking to me since Ava napped until she was 4 and she still takes an hour "rest" up in her room. So, with Rachel sleeping, Ava "resting", and Molly sleeping, I got an hour by myself. Not so anymore. So, again, another change and adjustment for Mom. The only good thing I can see is no nap, means an earlier bedtime. So, it's nice to have some extra time at night to myself when all 3 kids are in bed. That's if I can stay awake!!
Rachel is growing like a weed. She refuses to eat baby food. But, I am refusing to give it up. I spent a whole weekend last month making baby food and refuse to throw it away! Once it's all gone, I will revisit my options! She now has two bottom teeth. Loves to be on her stomach and gets up onto her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Today she even scooted backwards. This is all new to me since Ava and Molly weren't really big crawlers. Neither of them crawled in the traditional way. And it was at about 10 or 11 months when it started! I am looking forward to her crawling because she wants to follow her sisters. But we have a lot of baby proofing to do before that happens!
1 comment:
Cuties!!! Changes are hard but I know you can do it:)
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