On Saturday, we uprooted our lives and moved to our new home! Because of our wonderful friends, the move went smoothly. We had a lot of burly men to move us. We filled up one truck, and 3 cars with all of our life's possessions! Thanks so much to Mike, Kevin, Kyle, Mark, Mike and Kerri,Don and of course my parents, for all of their hard work! Amazing we had everything packed up and at our new place by noon! It's funny to see everything you own all loaded in one big UHAUL truck. My Mom and I cleaned our old place on Monday. We turned the keys in hoping to never see that place again!

Our new house is great!! Great neighborhood, great neighbors, and kids galore right around the girls' ages. We couldn't be happier! Much to my amazement, the girls have been so busy that they haven't even asked to watch tv! We just got cable, internet and phone yesterday but I thought for sure I would have to explain why they couldn't watch.
Rachel is loving her new room. She is sleeping wonderfully at night and taking long naps-in her crib! Yesterday she slept from 12:30-6:00! And still slept seven hours last night! I am loving the fact that she is in her own room and out of ours. I can finally get a good night's rest without hearing baby moans and groans!

Molly loves her new bed. I was worried how the transition would go for her. She became very attached to Ava since they were sharing a room for so long. But, she too is sleeping wonderfully and is even sleeping in until 7:30!

Ava is happy to have her own room and bed back. She spent some self imposed quiet time in her room yesterday "reading".

Because of all of the kids around here, the girls have been outside for most of the day playing. They love all of their new friends. The only problem is that they take off and go to other houses to play without telling me. I had a brief moment yesterday where I couldn't find them! We definitely need to work on that!
We are slowly getting settled. Mike took last Wed-Friday off intended to paint the kitchen and the family room. It didn't go as fast as we had anticipated. We did get the kitchen painted but nothing else. Mike still has to paint the mud room, the family room, and the powder room. As long as the kitchen is freshly painted and organized, I am happy. We have come to realize that this house is a work-in-progress and we will get things done when we get them done. The good thing is that it already feels like home!! Now, if I could just get everything unpacked so that I can hang pictures and actually start decorating!! So, I am off to unpack more boxes!!