I can't believe that Rachel is already four weeks old. Where did the time go? It's a big blur. There are days where I feel like I am losing my mind because of lack of sleep. And to top it off, I have been fighting off what I can only guess is hormone induced migraines. I have had 3 headaches in 4 weeks. They are totally debilitating and I am bedridden for 2 days. I am blessed to have such a wonderful husband and parents who have helped me through this. Oh and the percocet helps too.
Ava and Molly are still in complete awe of their baby sister. They still love helping and holding her whenever they can. I am waiting for the "newness" to wear off. For the most part, if she has a full belly, and a clean diaper, we have a laid back baby on our hands. She loves her bouncy seat and will sit for quite a while and watch her sisters. But, if she is hungry, or needs a diaper change, watch out.
Just the other day, our little angel started smiling. What a joy! And I am very impressed with myself that I was able to catch this on video!
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