This past week has been a very rough one. I now have the experience of the wonderful thing called kidney stones. And kidneys stones during the seventh month of pregnancy is a whole other experience! The pain is the worst pain I have ever experience. I would much rather do labor five times over. At least with labor pains you get a prize to take home with you. What do I have to show for the pain of the stones? Absolutely nothing!
The torture began at 3:00am on Saturday morning. I went to the ER where they immediately sent me to L/D thinking that I was in pre-term labor. After monitoring the baby and deciding that it was probably kidney stones, I was sent back down to the ER. After 2 hours of being in the hospital, I was finally given pain meds. The pain medicine worked for a while but made me vomit! Finally I was put on morphine which was a godsend even though I still couldn't keep anything down. At that point I would have much rather deal with the throwing up than the kidney pain. At 7:00 I was sent to get an ultrasound. A non-pregnant woman would have a cat scan to check for stones. The ultrasound showed a very inf lammed kidney but no stone. So, the ER doc decided to admit me hoping that I would pass the stone quickly. Thank goodness at this time I was put on a morphine pump so I could control the medicine. By Monday, after several more ultrasounds, the urologist decided to put a stent in my kidneys to reduce the swelling. The pain went away immediately. The stent was not my first choice. I didn't want to have surgery. The urologist felt this was the best option to prevent any long term damage to my kidney. I went home on Tuesday and just today am starting to feel better. I will have to have this stent out in 6 weeks, and replaced with another. Then, two weeks after the baby, I will have to have that stent removed. Then they can do the cat scan and if the stone is still there, they will "blast" it. So, I am no where near out of the woods with this stone.
My brother was a godsend! Since my parents were out of town, the girls spent Saturday-Tuesday with him. He totally stepped up to the plate and handled it all extremely well. The girls loved the time they got to spend with Uncle Ryan. Molly even cried when Mike put them to bed and not Uncle Ryan!
It has been so hard being laid up for so long. Unfortunately, the dirty house and the pile of laundry is waiting for me to heal. So, it's back to realty as soon as possible!! Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers!!
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