Now that we are somewhat settled, and have internet, I feel the need to update my blog. I am going through blog withdraw! The move went great! Very smooth with no problems. Easy for me to say since I moved only a few light boxes! The problem now is adjusting to the new place and deciding what boxes to unpack and what not to unpack since we will be moving again (hopefully) in six months. Our new place doesn't feel like home yet. We all feel like we are going back to our old house soon. It's very weird having to drive right by our old house when I take Ava to school. I am sure those feelings will pass soon. We are so blessed that our house sold. Now we just have to find a new one! So, hopefully, in the spring there will be more on the market. And renting won't be that bad. At least we have lots of free time since we don't have a house to work on! Just a driveway to shovel!

The girls are doing great! They are sharing a room and sharing bunk beds. We are still adjusting to sleeping in the same room. Especially at nap time because Molly likes to chit chat with her sister. It takes her over an hour to fall asleep everyday. I don't know if she is not tired or needs a later nap time. Maybe her crib was just to comfy! I just need to get her in the habit of being in bed an hour before I want her to fall asleep. She is waking up from her nap when it is dark out and it is very confusing for her. Every night it's so cute to hear Ava say "Goodnight sis" as we are closing the door. Ava is such a good sport giving up her bottom bunk to her sister!

Now it's time to start the Christmas shopping! I have so much to do and Christmas really isn't that far away!
1 comment:
So glad you are back and things went well!! Would love to chat soon!! Did your phone number change!?!? Drop me an email!!
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