Friday, December 26, 2008
Our Holiday Blessing
On Tuesday, we had a 16 week ultrasound. This was an ultrasound scheduled not by the doctor but by the utlrasound tech. At 12 weeks she was 70% sure that they baby was a girl. She wanted to be 100% sure so, she told us to come back in. Much to our surprise, she didn't charge us for this ultrasound saying that it was her Christmas gift to us!! I was kind of concerned if our insurance would cover a non-needed ultrasound. So, we weren't surprised when it was confirmed that our 3rd girl is on the way! Healthy, growing, and already kicking her mom!! We are truly blessed!!

A Very Merry Christmas
This was a wonderful Christmas for our family. We celebrated with Ma Ma and Pa Pa, and Uncle Ryan. The festivities began on Christmas Eve with dinner and present opening at the grandparents house. As usual we all made out like bandits!
On Christmas morning, we awoke to see that Santa had arrived and left many presents under the tree!! We were very excited to see that Santa ate all the cookies we left for him and the reindeer ate most of the carrots. The girls sure know how to make one feel good for the presents bought. The comment as each girl opened a present were "Wow! Just what I wanted!" Santa was very good to us again this year!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cookies at Grandma's
To continue the tradition, we went over to Ma Ma and Pa Pa's house for cookie making today. It gets more and more fun every year. This is was especially fun because both girls really got into decorating. Of course they ate more frosting and sprinkles than were put on the cookies but they still had so much fun!
Christmas Program
Ava had her Christmas performance the other night. As you can tell, she wasn't quite into it. Not sure why. It could have been because she didn't know the words-she only goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursday so she didn't have much time to learn the words, or it could have been because she was getting a cold. Who knows. So, because she was barely singing, I had to post this video. Watch the poor little boy standing next to her.
Aren't the holiday's the best? I hope that Ava doesn't get his germs but maybe he got them from her. Poor kid. Especially since I am posting it on my blog. Ava still talks about Jackson throwing up. And since this happened during the morning performance, the girls fought over who was going to tell Mike about it when he got home!
Aren't the holiday's the best? I hope that Ava doesn't get his germs but maybe he got them from her. Poor kid. Especially since I am posting it on my blog. Ava still talks about Jackson throwing up. And since this happened during the morning performance, the girls fought over who was going to tell Mike about it when he got home!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Molly's Tumbling
Tuesday was Molly's last day of Tumbling. She absolutely loved every minute of it. They not only learned a lot of gymnastics skills, but they had circle time and played instruments. It was a great thing for Molly and Mommy to do while Ava is in school. We will miss Ms. Michelle and all of our new friends.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Ice Skating
Not sure where Ava got the idea but she is asking Santa for ice skates. I decided to let her try out skating to see if she even likes it before I invest in a pair. The weather on Sunday was beautiful so we went to an outside rink. We skated in sweatshirts! No coats needed!! Both girls did great skating. Molly really got into it and Ava was fine as long as she had someone or something to hold onto. The did get tired very quickly and both took great naps! I think that we all could get into skating as a fun family hobby!
Hometown Holiday Celebration
On Friday night we met Andrew, Celeste, Sadie and Carol in HR for the yearly holiday celebration. The weather was perfect-not to cold. This is our second year doing this and it seemed much more organized and there we a lot more vendors this year. The food was great! We had cider, hot chocolate, tea, and candy canes. There were a lot of samples. Our favorites were mac and cheese from noodles, and chips and guacamole from Chipotle. Molly sat on Santa's lap with no problem but she wouldn't smile. Of course the highlight of the evening was the barrel train. After the celebration we went to the Celeste and Andrew's house of dinner. Carol made delicious torilla soup! Thanks for a fun evening Carol and James!

Monday, December 1, 2008
The Big Move
Now that we are somewhat settled, and have internet, I feel the need to update my blog. I am going through blog withdraw! The move went great! Very smooth with no problems. Easy for me to say since I moved only a few light boxes! The problem now is adjusting to the new place and deciding what boxes to unpack and what not to unpack since we will be moving again (hopefully) in six months. Our new place doesn't feel like home yet. We all feel like we are going back to our old house soon. It's very weird having to drive right by our old house when I take Ava to school. I am sure those feelings will pass soon. We are so blessed that our house sold. Now we just have to find a new one! So, hopefully, in the spring there will be more on the market. And renting won't be that bad. At least we have lots of free time since we don't have a house to work on! Just a driveway to shovel!

The girls are doing great! They are sharing a room and sharing bunk beds. We are still adjusting to sleeping in the same room. Especially at nap time because Molly likes to chit chat with her sister. It takes her over an hour to fall asleep everyday. I don't know if she is not tired or needs a later nap time. Maybe her crib was just to comfy! I just need to get her in the habit of being in bed an hour before I want her to fall asleep. She is waking up from her nap when it is dark out and it is very confusing for her. Every night it's so cute to hear Ava say "Goodnight sis" as we are closing the door. Ava is such a good sport giving up her bottom bunk to her sister!

Now it's time to start the Christmas shopping! I have so much to do and Christmas really isn't that far away!
The girls are doing great! They are sharing a room and sharing bunk beds. We are still adjusting to sleeping in the same room. Especially at nap time because Molly likes to chit chat with her sister. It takes her over an hour to fall asleep everyday. I don't know if she is not tired or needs a later nap time. Maybe her crib was just to comfy! I just need to get her in the habit of being in bed an hour before I want her to fall asleep. She is waking up from her nap when it is dark out and it is very confusing for her. Every night it's so cute to hear Ava say "Goodnight sis" as we are closing the door. Ava is such a good sport giving up her bottom bunk to her sister!
Now it's time to start the Christmas shopping! I have so much to do and Christmas really isn't that far away!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Amazing November Weather
Mike's Hunting Weekend
Last weekend I was a hunting widow. Mike left for S. Dakota on Wednesday morning and returned early Sunday morning. He had a great time. The weather could have been better but he had fun seeing all of his family. Unfortunately, Mike didn't get a deer but he did get some birds as you can see from the pictures.

As for us girls, we had fun having girly time. On Thursday, we went to the Holiday Food and Gift Show. The girls had so much fun riding the lightrail downtown and were such troopers while my mom and I looked around and sampled food.

On Friday, we started to move. The garage was full of boxes so, we borrowed Ryan's truck and started moving stuff to our temporary home. Thanks to my parents and Ryan's help, by Saturday, I was able to park in the garage again! I was dreading being alone with the girls for 5 days but it really turned out okay. Thank goodness my parents were around a lot. And the girls were really well behaved.

As for us girls, we had fun having girly time. On Thursday, we went to the Holiday Food and Gift Show. The girls had so much fun riding the lightrail downtown and were such troopers while my mom and I looked around and sampled food.
On Friday, we started to move. The garage was full of boxes so, we borrowed Ryan's truck and started moving stuff to our temporary home. Thanks to my parents and Ryan's help, by Saturday, I was able to park in the garage again! I was dreading being alone with the girls for 5 days but it really turned out okay. Thank goodness my parents were around a lot. And the girls were really well behaved.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Trip to the ER
If you know Molly, you know what a daredevil she is. And what a two year old she is. She has to do everything herself and tries to act like a four year old to keep up with her sister. Yesterday, at lunch Molly decided that she was done with highchairs. She has been done with one at home for a lone time and just sits in a booster. The problem comes when the resturant doesn't have boosters. She is not big enough to reach the table sitting down in a chair. So, yesterday, at the food court in the mall, we let her sit on her knees. It seemed to work well enough. Last night, on our way to look at a couple of houses, we stopped to eat at McDonalds. They didn't have boosters just highchairs. So, I figured it worked well at lunch so I sat Molly in the chair beside me. All was well. Well until she decided that she wanted to sit in the booth part next to Ava. To make a long story short, she fell off the booth and hit her head-hard on the floor. Mike and I were both running in slow motion to get to her. The cry was immediately different from any I have ever heard before. So, we spent the evening in the ER and ended with 5 stitches. She will forever be scarred by this experience because know she hates doctors and nurses. It was funny how she was fine until the doctor or nurse walked into the room and then she screamed at the top of her lungs. I probably jinxed Molly. I swore this summer that we would have a least one broken bone. And I was just mentioning this to Mike the other day. She is better now and as you can see was all smiles once we had ice cream and she was home!

Monday, November 10, 2008
Leaf Day
Yesterday, the girls went over to my parents house to "help" rake leaves. Ava was so excited that she kept telling everyone that it was leaf day at her Ma Ma and Pa Pa's house. They had so much fun playing in the leaves. Last year Molly cried when we made her play in the leaves. This year she had a blast piling the leaves on top of Pa Pa and jumping in them. And they actually helped more than I thought they would. Gotta love this Colorado weather in Nov. where you don't need a coat! Fall is one of my favorite times of the year to get pictures of the girls outside. We are anxious for next fall at our new house which will hopefully have big trees with plenty of leaves to rake!

Sunday, November 2, 2008
We had an amazing Halloween. The weather was perfect! It was the first Halloween I ever remember not having to wear a coat. And it stayed light out for longer. We were able to go to so many houses. My little princesses got so much candy. Ava kept saying "Wow! What a beautiful night!" And Molly got the hang of it this year. She walked up to every porch by herself and said Trick or Treat and then Happy Halloween. Now what do we do with all the candy?
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