We just finished our first of two weeks of swim lessons. The girls are doing great!! I can't believe the improvement in 1 week! Amazing! We can't wait to start the next session next week. The lessons are at our pool which I less than a 2 minute walk. It couldn't be more convenient!!
Ava in Station 4....
And the most exciting part... going of the diving board!!
This summer we have been spending a lot of time at our pool. LOVE IT!! The girls are becoming great swimmers and can spend the entire day there. We have even ventured over after dinner on a few occasions! It's great to be so close. And it's great to have the girls be so exhausted that all 3 of them nap in the afternoon. Ahhh... the joys of summer!!!
Today to escape the heat we "pooled" it all day! And we met up with some friends!!
This past week I got a taste of what fall will be like with only 1 kid at home!! Ava and Molly went to Vacation Bible School. They had a great time! It was a mini vacation for me too!! The girls were exhausted by the end of the week. On Friday, they had a little performance of the songs they learned. It was so cute to see all the kids up on stage!
Rachel had a wonderful birthday. We all enjoyed her eating her cake and opening her presents. Ava and Molly were of course the best helpers. It was late by the time we had cake so she was tired by the time she got her piece of the cake! It was hard to keep her head up but she wasn't going to give up! She is a lot like her mother that way... must have the sweets!!