Last night after much anticipation, we carved our pumpkins. I bought them weeks ago and they have been sitting on our porch. The girls have been begging to "put faces on them". It was a bit of a let down to Ava. She wanted to get right to making faces. And thought it was gross and very pointless to clean out the guts. She had no clue as to how we were going to put faces on them. She sat down with her markers and started drawing a face. Molly on the other hand really got into it all. She loved sticking her hands inside and getting the guts out. And she actually helped carved a face onto her little pumpkin. It was a kind of bitter sweet pumpkin carving knowing that's it is our last Halloween in this house.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Last night after much anticipation, we carved our pumpkins. I bought them weeks ago and they have been sitting on our porch. The girls have been begging to "put faces on them". It was a bit of a let down to Ava. She wanted to get right to making faces. And thought it was gross and very pointless to clean out the guts. She had no clue as to how we were going to put faces on them. She sat down with her markers and started drawing a face. Molly on the other hand really got into it all. She loved sticking her hands inside and getting the guts out. And she actually helped carved a face onto her little pumpkin. It was a kind of bitter sweet pumpkin carving knowing that's it is our last Halloween in this house.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Halloween Pasts

Are you as excited as we are for Halloween? The girls can't wait for Halloween. Thank goodness we only have to wait 7 days! We have had our costumes for months now. It doesn't take to much thinking to guess what we are going to be-Princesses! I thought I would share some pictures from past Halloweens.
My Balleria Girl
As you know Ava and Molly are very into Princesses. So, that means they are into the dresses and the dancing. So, I decided to sign Ava up for Dancing Classes. They do both Tap and Ballet. She loves it! And I love it because it's a whole hour and she is exhausted at the end. I love to watch her. She loves her teacher Ms. Lauren and she has made a few friends. The big grin our her face lasts the entire hour.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Molly's School
Since Ava started school in Aug., Molly has always talked about her school. So, I signed her up for a Crocodile Rock class. It is once a week for 45 minutes and I do everything with her. She loves it and calls it her "school". The teacher Ms. Katie is great and can really sing.
She makes it fun by adding props to all the songs. So, if they sing the itsy bitsy spider, she has plastic spiders for the kids to hold. Molly's favorite is twinkle twinkle little star and she always get the pink star.
The last activity is the parachute. The kids ride around in circles on top of the parachute and love to stand or sit underneath. It took Molly a while to figure it out but once she did, I had a hard time getting her away!
Thursday was the last class. I will miss our Mommy and Me time together. We are looking forward to the end of the month when she start Tumbling.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ava's Singing
Today at the 10:30 service, Ava's class sang a song. Pretty much without Ava. From the pictures and the video, you can see that she wasn't much into singing today. I know she knows the words. They have been practicing their songs for weeks! Like everyone else in her family, she is a creature of habit. She would much rather go to our church on Saturday night like we normally do! I think that maybe she wasn't awake yet???
Saturday, October 11, 2008
To the Circus They Go
Last night my parents took the girls to the circus. I guess it has become a tradition because they have gone for the past few years. This was Molly's first time however. Mike and I had the day and some of the evening to ourselves. We weren't sure what to do. What do you want to do? I don't care what do you want to do? Of course if we had the girls there were be a hundred things we wish we could be doing. We ended up organizing our closest and ordering in Chinese. It was a nice quiet break.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Sunday with Extra Energy
The girls were very wound up this morning. Mike and I decided to take them swimming to wear them out. Every time we drive by the outside pool, I have to explain why we can't go swimming and how it is closed until it gets warmer. Ava just doesn't seem to understand. Now Molly has to ask out of habit about the pool EVERY TIME we drive by! So, maybe they will understand that we swim inside during the cold weather. The girls floated around in the tubes in the lazy river and relaxed in the hot tub. Then we came home and had lunch and the girls were wound up again!. Where does the energy come from? Mike and I were the only exhausted ones! Thank goodness we got to relax a little while Molly napped and Ava rested up in her room!
Getting There...
Molly is very close to being potty trained. I think it's me who is not ready. Diapers really are convenient. Especially when I am not at home. She has now gone several times in the potty. She tells me every time she goes. It is usually after she goes. And sometimes during the day, she will refuse to wear a diaper. I am so thankful for big sister Ava. She takes her diaper off, and sits down every time Ava does.
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